《殘疾人權利公約》第12條:法律面前的平等承認-- 亞洲華語地區實踐探索研討會

Keynote Speech (主講嘉賓)
Tina Minkowitz
Topic 講題:The Emergence of the CRPD Paradigms on the Absolute Prohibition of Forced Interventions and Substitute Decision-Making 《殘疾人權利公約》絕對禁止強制干預及替代決策範式之起源
Minkowitz will address the emergence of the CRPD paradigms on the absolute prohibition of forced interventions and substitute decision-making that are now firmly rooted in DPO advocacy. She will address how these paradigms were first brought into light during the drafting and negotiations of the CRPD and their subsequent development in CRPD jurisprudence (General Comments and Guidelines). She will discuss the Peruvian legal capacity reform which reflects the best current practice and substantially complies with Article 12, despite some remaining flaws. The aim of the presentation is to provide grounding and orientation for legal capacity and mental health law reforms, including an understanding of why these ‘absolute prohibitions’ are necessary as bases for support that respect the person’s autonomy, will and preferences.
Minkowitz 女士將討論《殘疾人權利國際公約》中所主張的絕對禁止強制干預及替代決策範式的起源。她會討論該範式如何在《公約》的草擬及談判過程中被引入,以及其在《殘疾人權利國際公約》法理(一般性意見/建議)的發展。她亦會提出秘魯的法定能力改革雖然存在不足之處,但是這項改革乃現今社會實踐《殘疾人權利國際公約》第十二條的最佳方案。是次演講目的是為法定能力及精神健康法例的改革提供有力理據和方針,當中包括解釋「絕對禁止強制干預」原則對支持及尊重心智障礙人士的自治,意願及選擇的必要性。