《殘疾人權利公約》第12條:法律面前的平等承認-- 亞洲華語地區實踐探索研討會
Upcoming Events
- Sat, 30 Mar香港城市大學楊建文樓四樓九號演講廳
Guest Speakers (演講嘉賓)
Tina Minkowitz
Founder of the Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry ('CHRUSP') 精神醫學使用者與倖存者人權中心 創始人
Tina Minkowitz contributed to the drafting and negotiation of the CRPD as a representative of the World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry, and coordinated the work of the International Disability Caucus on Articles 12, 14, 15 and 17. She founded the Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (“CHRUSP”) in 2009 as a human rights NGO run by users and survivors of psychiatry and people with psychosocial disabilities. CHRUSP has played a significant role in promoting an interpretation of the CRPD that fully upholds the shift from coercive interventions to respect for the person’s autonomy, will and preferences regarding support. CHRUSP advises and supports DPOs of people with psychosocial disabilities and other partners working for CRPD-compliant law reform and promotion of good practices. Recent projects include the Campaign in Support of the CRPD Absolute Prohibition of Forced Treatment and Commitment, and a CRPD Course taught from the perspective of a survivor of psychiatry (on hiatus in 2019).
Minkowitz 女士是美國紐約州一位執業律師,也是一位精神醫學倖存者。在法律能力、自由和人的尊嚴方面,她被認爲是聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》提倡的範式轉型的代表人物。她堅持在法律實踐中全面發展精神醫學使用者/幸存者觀點。並代表精神醫學倖存者網絡參與《公約》的起草和談判,並協調國際殘疾人核心小組關於《公約》第12,14,15和17條的工作。2009年她創立了精神醫學使用者與倖存者人權中心,一個由精神醫學倖存者和心理社會受障人士管理的組織。 該中心為心理社會受障人士和其他夥伴殘疾人組織提供法律諮詢、倡議法律改革、促進良好做法。對促進《殘疾人權利公約》的實踐與解釋發揮重要作用。

Oliver Lewis
Barrister, Doughty Street Chambers 執業大律師
Oliver Lewis is barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, London, practising public law with a focus on disability rights, including litigation in the Court of Protection, the Coroners Court and mental health tribunals and international human rights law. He has a part-time appointment as Professor of Law and Social Justice at the University of Leeds, where he is a member of the Centre for Disability Studies and teaches on the undergraduate and postgraduate disability law classes and a module entitled ‘Global human rights advocacy’. Before returning to legal practice in the UK in 2017 he was Executive Director of Validity (formerly the Mental Disability Advocacy Centre MDAC), an international NGO that uses law to advance rights of people with mental health issues or intellectual disabilities worldwide. In this role he oversaw strategic litigation at the European Court of Human Rights and advocacy before UN treaty bodies. His PhD from Leiden University in the Netherlands, was on legal capacity and international human rights law. Oliver has published widely on the intersection of disability, mental health and human rights, including the 2007 book “Mental disability and the European Convention on Human Rights” with Peter Bartlett and Oliver Thorold. His email address is o.lewis@doughtystreet.co.uk and he tweets from @DrOliverLewis.
Lewis 博士是一位法律實踐經驗豐富的律師,他在倫敦Doughty Street Chambers(律師事務所)執業,專注身心受障者權利,參與保護法院、死因裁判法庭和精神健康法庭、國際人權法等訴訟。他是利茲大學客席教授,教導「法律與社會公義」,也是該大學殘疾人研究中心的成員,教授有關殘疾法律的課程。回到英國執業之前,Lewis教授是匈牙利精神受障者倡導中心(MDAC)的執行總監,有十五年在東歐各國推動精神健康領域上制度轉型的經驗,且在東歐多國取得廢除成人監護的法律改革成果。擔任該組織執行總監期間,他負責監督歐洲人權法院的策略訴訟,對聯合國各項人權公約進行游說。他在荷蘭萊頓(Leiden)大學獲得博士學位,專注研究法律能力和國際人權法。Lewis教授在殘疾、心理健康和人權領域上發表廣泛文章,包括2007年出版,與Peter Bartlett 和Oliver Thorold合著的《精神受障與歐洲人權公約》。電郵:o.lewis@doughtystreet.co.uk,Twitter賬號@DrOliverLewis

Sharon Primor
Legal Counsel at The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities 以色列殘疾人權利中心(Bizchut)的法律顧問
Sharon Primor is the Legal Counsel at Bizchut, The Israel Human Rights Center for People with Disabilities. She specializes in the human rights of people with different kinds of disabilities, and promotes their rights to equality, inclusion, autonomy and due process. Her most recent area of expertise relates to human rights violations in psychiatric hospitals. Primor spearheaded the civil societies’ campaign of 2016 to abolish restraints and seclusions for psychiatric hospitals in Israel.
Primor女士是以色列殘疾人權利中心(Bizchut)的法律顧問。她專門研究不同特色身心受障者的人權,並促進他們享有平等、包容、自治和正當程序的權利。她最近的專業領域涉及精神病院的侵犯人權行為。 Primor帶領民間社會2016年的運動,廢除以色列精神病醫院的限制和隔離。

Michael Bach
Managing Director, IRIS – Institute for Research and Development on Inclusion and Society 融合與社會發展與研究所(IRIS)常務董事
For the past thirty years Michael Bach has undertaken research and development in Canada and internationally on ways to advance the full inclusion and human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. For fifteen years he directed the Canadian Association for Community Living, the national advocacy association for people labelled with an intellectual disability and their families. His publications cover disability theory, policy and practice in a range of areas including the right to equality in legal capacity, inclusive education, the right to work, and development of community-based supports. He has recently completed an Open Society Foundations Fellowship, which continued his international comparative research on the right to equality in legal capacity for people with significant intellectual disabilities.
過去三十年,Bach 博士致力於加拿大和國際上發展並開發,關於促進殘疾人全面社會共融與實踐權利的社會發展研究。而最近十五年,Bach 博士領導加拿大社區生活協會(一個國家層面為被標籤為智障人士的人及其家人提供服務及倡導的協會)進行研究及發展工作。他的出版物涵蓋了一系列領域的殘疾理論,政策和實踐,包括法律能力平等權、全納(共融)教育、工作權和社區支援發展等。他最近完成了一個開放社會基金會的獎學金項目,該獎學金支持他繼續就有重大智障人士的法律能力平等權利議題,進行全面的國際比較研究。
Conference Programme (會議日程)
Registration (到場登記)
9:15AM - 9:45AM
Welcome Address (開場及歡迎辭)
9:45 AM - 10:00 AM
Opening Remarks (歡迎辭)
Human Rights Law and Policy Forum, School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Dr. Chow Pok Yin Stephenson 城市大學法學院人權法及公共政策論壇周博研博士
Inclusive Asia共融匯思 / Equity and Justice Initiative 衡平機構
Chosen Power (People first Hong Kong) 卓新力量
Keynote Speech (主講嘉賓)
10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Tina Minkowitz
Topic 講題:The Emergence of the CRPD Paradigms on the Absolute Prohibition of Forced Interventions and Substitute Decision-making 《殘疾人權利公約》絕對禁止強制干預及替代決策範式之起源
Presentation (主題分享)
10:45 AM - 11:30 AM
Speaker (講者): Sharon Primor
Topic (講題): Breaking the Restraints: Civil Society’s Struggle to Abolish Human Rights Violations in Israel’s Psychiatric System 打破限制:公民社會在以色列精神病學體系中消除人權侵犯的鬥爭
Tea & Coffee Break (小休/茶歇)
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Presentation (主題分享)
11:45 AM - 12:30 PM
Speaker (講者): Oliver Lewis
Topic (講題): Disability Law and Strategic Litigation 殘疾法與策略性訴訟
Presentation (主題分享)
12:30 PM - 1:15 PM
Speaker (講者): Michael Bach
Topic 講題: Implementing Article 12 in Practice, Programs, Policy and Law: Some Lessons from Experience
Group Photo (團體照)
1:15 PM - 1:25 PM
Lunch (午餐)
1:25 PM -2:30 PM
Street Law Demonstration (街坊法律示範)
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Panel Discussion (專題討論)
3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
Asian Values and the Rights of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities 亞洲價值觀與心社受障者的倡導歷程
Speaker (講者): Emmy Charissa (Singapore), People with Psychosocial Disabilities of Singapore (PPDFRC) 周林雲穎 (新加坡心社受障者) - Amidst Rhetoric and Calibrated Coercion 在修辭和校準強制中逆流而行
Speaker (講者): Raz Adibah Roslan (Malaysia), Mental Illness Awareness and Support Association (MIASA) 馬來西亞-心理疾病意識與支援協會 - Malaysia's Take on the CRPD and the Way Forward 馬來西亞對《殘疾人權利公約》的取態與展望
Moderator主持: Dr. Chow Pok Yin Stephenson (CityU) 周博研博士 (城市大學)
Tea & Coffee Break (茶歇)
3:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Panel Discussion (專題討論)
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Panel Discussion 專題討論:Reflections on the Implementation of Article 12 of UNCRPD in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China - 聯合國《殘疾人權利公約》 第12條在中港台的實踐與思考- :
Speaker (講者): Huang Xuetao, Equity and Justice Initiative: The Interplay of Control and Autonomy - A Brief Account of the Self-Determination of Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in the Past Decade; 黃雪濤律師 衡平機構創辦人: 管控與自治的博弈——中國心社受障者自主權的十年變遷簡史
Speaker (講者): Yibee Huang, Covenants Watch (Taiwan): The Discussion on Legal Capacity and the UNCRPD in Taiwan; 黃怡碧女士 人權公約施行監督聯盟(台灣):《殘疾人權利公約》及法律能力在台灣的討論
Speaker (講者): Sophie Cheung Hing Yee, Disabilities CV 張馨儀女士, 殘疾資歷生活館: What does CRPD mean to Hong Kong? The Reflection on Capacity and Human Rights: 《殘疾人權利公約》第十二條對香港社會的意義:「行為能力 」與 「權利 」的反思
Moderator主持: Dr. Simon Ng Tat Ming (HKU) 吳達明博士 (香港大學)
Closing Remarks (會議總結)
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM
Dr Simon Ng Tat Ming 吳達明博士(香港大學)
Dr. Chow Pok Yin Stephenson 周博研博士(城市大學)
Note (備註)
The conference provides simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. 會議提供普通話,粵語和英語的同聲傳譯。
This conference is open to anyone interested and is free of charge, but attendance is limited to 80 owing to the size of the venue. Please register now. 歡迎任何人士參加,費用全免。人數有限(80人),請即報名。
Get in Touch (聯絡我們)
The conference venue is wheelchair accessible. If you have questions about the registration process, our schedule or general information, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact: Mr. Julian Fung
Telephone: 3442-4179
會議場地可供輪椅進出。如有任何查詢,請聯絡會議負責人馮先生。 電話: 3442-4179
Conference Venue (會議場地):
Lecture Theatre 9, Academic Building 1, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave, Hong Kong